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CHAPTER 1 - Space Route

Divide and Conquer

"DISCLAIMER" ~ I do not own the characters or settings of all fictional characters used in this story and I am only creating this story for entertainment purposes.

In every century of the universe, thousands of Colonizations

are built across the vast ideals of men, fair shares over their traditions, principles and ideology. Each of its centuries marks the very beginning of every living race's progression towards the necessities of their kind. From the time of prehistorics, the age of explorations, innovations and technology, and even making the ideal goal of reaching towards the vast far reaches of space.


For certain however, the conflicts of every terrestrial beings

around the world nor the ambitions of men that motivates the ideal interests of their own would try to unravel the course to their certain cause, either achieving one's goal at the cost of certain loses or finding better solutions through peaceful treaties of men.

         Among of the global factions, The Earth Federation marks its first establishment to deal all of civilization's crisis and for the sake of the expanding the unifications of men in every nations of the world, unifying the heroes and battling against the terrors and oppressions made by their own kind. This unifying organization is known for expanding the terrestrial's living into space to solve the planet's overpopulation crisis stepping aside it's beautiful ambitions building artificial habitats known as "Space Colonies" and thus marks the beginning of a new era for the terrestrials.

Being instrumental to the eyes of many men is not an easy commitment for the united government alone for it has it's own fair share of surrounded virtues and corruptions gained by the perspective views and behaviors of every men, thus building the relationships between the terrestrials themselves even more difficult. 

With tensions arise only creates hostility, and within hostility creates aversion, through aversion may resort others to destruction, and destruction creates war, and thus the many reasons why the conflict between the Space Republic and the Earth republic was born, infamously known in their historical archives as "The One Year War".


Today at the present time, it is known that the Earth Federation has expanded it's division on multiple areas of the world because of the diversed amount of events that made it's organization affected from all forms of government distressed over the years to the present day. Luckily for the hope of humanity or the terrestrials of life, it even made it's own fair share of heroes helping it's recovery from all the scars of occurrences it met and establishing multiple insurgencies to avoid that same dreadful mistakes from the past, uniting one another for the better good in it's present while.

Unbeknownst to the world however lies a threading menacing green figure, hiding somewhere in the shadows located on an isolated regions of the Northen Hemisphere.


A man filled with hatred over the world and the faults of humanity, a ruler filled with despair and cruelty and an ego shrouded in agony. The man rules with an iron-fist and despite all his adversities he even had a great amount of attainments in his will and will do anything for the sake of his adoring principles and the people around him.....

.....and condemning how principles of the Earth Federation and other corresponding government had exposed it's exploits and corruption to the world, The mad damned doctor begins his ominous move.....


A Federation Space Station resides in the Side 6 Airspace located near the orbits line of the moon, designed for specific multiple purposes such as for human habitation, researching, experimentation, observation of space or the planet or a place for space rehabilitation and repairs for any kinds of space vessels and can be used simply as a midpoint between two destinations.


With it's workforce under the state of no disturbance, unbeknownst to all its personnel, there is something  menacing threading carefully inside the Alexandria -Battle Naval Vessel as it slowly lands towards the carrier space station.....ready to pose a strike to the Federation Forces.



 MISSION - CHAPTER 1 - Divide and Conquer

                    SPACE ROUTE








      MISSION 1.0:

                  GROUP A: ALEXANDER PIERCE| JAMES RHODES| 10x E.F.S.F Infantry Man

                                        --2x E.F/ LEX CORPS Walker + 4x E.F.S.F Infantry Man


                  GROUP B: The THING | TRAILBREAKER | MIRAGE

                                        --1x E.F/ LEX CORPS Walker COMMANDER TYPE

                                        --2x S.U. FEDERATION Elite Marine Commander+ 4x E.F.S.F Infantry Man

                                        --2x Decepticon Seeker **[E.F- Custom]**RARE

                                        --Unlimited respawn:

                                                E.F.S.F Infantry Man, LEX CORPS Walker COMMANDER TYPE, 2x S.U.                                                                         FEDERATION Elite Marine Commander


                  GROUP C: RGM-79N GM Custom (Bernard Monsha)

                                        SPRINGER | 2x RGM-79GS GM Command Space Type


                  GROUP D:  --Unlimited respawn:

                                                E.F.S.F Infantry Man, LEX CORPS Walker COMMANDER TYPE, 2x S.U.                                                                         FEDERATION Elite Marine Commander

                                      --2x Decepticon Seeker **[E.F- Custom]**RARE


      MISSION 2.0:

                  STAGE BOSS: ROCKET RED



                  1. Defeat all enemy boss units: The THING | TRAILBREAKER | MIRAGE | BERNARD MONSHA |                      and SPRINGER.


                  2. Defeat STAGE END BOSS UNIT: ROCKET RED



                  1. DR.DOOM is defeated.



               Kill more than 40 Earth Federation Forces units (Lex Corps included) and more than 3 Decepticon                  Seekers


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